2019/2020 Novice house league convenor and head coaches required, News, Novice, 2018-2019 (London Devilettes)

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Mar 28, 2019 | Peter Wethey | 564 views
2019/2020 Novice house league convenor and head coaches required
We are seeking a Novice house league convenor and a few more Novice house league head coaches for next season...

We are still looking for a Novice house league convenor for next year. If you don't have any experience, no worries, the house league director or myself would be happy to help you with any questions throughout the year. We are creating some enhanced convenor process documentation to utilize as a job aid. 


We will need a few more novice house league head coaches for next year as well. We are assembling enhanced process documentation to help guide you throughout the year and will be looking to have a formal mentor in place to assist with process questions throughout the year,


I have sent this email to the 2018/2019 Novice house league families, feel free to pass this email on to others not on this distribution list who you think might have an interest.


You do not need to be an expert hockey player to do these roles. In addition to the assistance mentioned above there are lots of people within the league that would be happy to help you if you take on one of these roles… all you have to do is ask and they will gladly help you.


Please email me if you are interested. If you have already contacted me no need to email me again. Feel free to phone me if you would like to discuss this with me.


Thanks, Peter Wethey, Novice HL Convenor, [email protected]

