LDGHA-Policy Regarding Males in The Dressing Room, News (London Devilettes)

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Feb 19, 2007 | dpiquette | 3021 views
LDGHA-Policy Regarding Males in The Dressing Room
First of all at the younger age groups where the kids need a little more help it is very important that players arrive a half an hour early to allow them to get dressed and skates tied for the coaches talk before the game, the male coach can only come in if all the girls are dressed and the bench mom is present, that is why it is important to show up early if possible. Tyke being the exception.

At the Tyke age, majority of kids come dressed or need help doing mostly everything, dads are allowed to come in and help the girls get dressed, once they are dressed they are to leave and the bench moms will make sure they stay in the rooms and are safe until they go on the ice, there should always be two adults (one minimum being a female, male as second adult only if girls are dressed) around children at any given time, this is something everyone learns in Speak Out.

Novice age we used to treat like Tyke, but in recent years have had some girls feel uncomfortable with males in the dressing rooms, so we don't want any fathers or brothers in the dressing rooms while the girls are getting dressed, once all girls are at the stage where their hockey pants are on or further dressed and it is okay with the bench/dressing room moms,   the dads can quickly come in tie the skates and exit when done, they are not to stay in the dressing room, bench moms will stay with them. Coaches are the only males in the dressing rooms  10 minutes before the game to allow for the pre-game talk

Atom and above, there will not be any males in the dressing rooms, once the girls are dressed and if they are there with a dad, they will take their skates just outside the dressing room door where their dad will tie their skates and then they will return to the dressing room. Very important that if the father knows his daughter will need their skates tied that they not wander far from the entrance to the dressing room door so the player does not wander far searching for her dad creating an unsafe enviroment. Male coaches will only enter dressing room, if the girls are dressed and there is a bench mom present.

At a younger age if the parents know they are going to be late because of scheduling, it would be a good idea if the kids come dressed and just put their skates on when they get to the arena so they don't disrupt the coaches talk before the game.


Female Adult Participation

All Devilette teams, both competitive and house league, will have at least one adult female (non-playing) as member of the coaching staff to participate in all games.
Her duties are:

  1. To act as liaison between the girls in the dressing room and fathers or coaches.
  2. To endeavor to be at or near the dressing room for all games and practices.
  3. To endeavor to participate in all practice situations with the team.
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Tim Hortons Timbits Hockey Program-THE FIRST GOAL IS HAVING FUN.:
The Timbits Hockey and Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play house league sports. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just being a kid. Tim Hortons currently supports more than 300,000 children on teams in hockey, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, softball and baseball leagues in Canada and the United States. Our sponsorship includes jerseys, participation medals and a Timbits player gift for each player. Adding to the fun, Timbits teams are often invited to attend Canadian Hockey League (CHL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Soccer (MLS) games to catch the action and showcase their skills between periods.
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Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire London Group is proud to be a London Devilettes sponsor. Devilette families please come and see us at our 4 London locations for all of your shopping needs. We are located at: London North: 1875 Hyde Park Road London South: 1125 Wellington Road London West: 3100 Wonderland Rd South London East: 1975 Dundas Street East