Devilettes Families!
We hope all are safe and enjoying the family time that we have been provided. In a continued attempt to provide information as it pertains to the 2020-21 season, the following updated information is what we are able to share.
Recently, the OWHA moved the return to play into stage 3. It has also been suggested that progression into Stage 4 will likely be delayed or postponed until there is a vaccine. At this time the OWHA (which is our governing body) has not released any formal updates. Stage 3 provides us some more flexibility, but still limits us drastically in comparison to what we would consider a traditional season. Here is what stage 3 may look like:
Individual and Group Training
Maximum of 30 participants on the ice, including instructors, or a lower number if determined by Ontario Government, local PHU, the facility or Member.
Physical distancing is required for the purpose of individual and group training and if a facility has further restrictions all programming must comply.
Registration of Players for the 2020-2021
Competition (Game Play)
Following a minimum two-week development phase for any new programs, modified 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 game play with No Physical Contact hockey may begin.
Leagues are a maximum of 50 players or less depending on the PHU. The OHF will review the league maximum upon amendments by the Ontario Government.
All Game Play is within local Public Health Unit.
There is a minimum of one registered official per game unless determined otherwise by the Member.
All Game Play must be conducted in conjunction with the local PHU and facility rules for the purpose of sanitation and physical distancing.
What you can Do:
Complete the Intent to Play form
Based on the above information we cannot open registration as we don't know what participation fees will be. We do however need our members intending to return to complete the
intent to play form. At this time we are collecting the numbers of returnees, to allow us to plan for ice needs. As we are not permitted to accept players from other organizations at this time we have limited the intent to play to returning players. At this time the OHF has restricted imports until we reach stage 4. To us, this means players are to remain in their 2019-20 association until further notice is provided.
As you can see, there is progress being made at the provincial level, but we still have a tonne of unknowns. We will continue to keep you updated, and encourage you to refer to the following sites to keep yourselves updated.
OWHA -Main website
On behalf of the Devilettes Board, we want to assure you that our members safety is our first priority and we are working diligently to provide the best return to play platform we are enabled to offer
Stay Safe,
London Devilettes Board