Feb 20, 2021 | Claudia Santagapita-Speiran | 1486 views
House League Update (revised)
The following update is specific to House League:
The planned season end date is March 28th 2021. The MLHU is under Covid red
control protocols for a minimum of 2 weeks. The health unit will provide an
update as we approach the end of the 2 week minimum period.
2. Red control limits on ice players to a maximum of 10, which in turn limits HL teams to 1 ice per week.
3. Covid controls will determine what we can offer in the future in terms of the HL experience (practice only, scrimmage games, number of players on the ice, number of ice times per week).
4. Two $250 payment installments have been requested to date.
5. The costs for operations up until the Christmas shut down included insurance, ice, referees (see table below). The 2nd payment installment will cover some of the pre-Christmas costs plus the costs going forward for the remaining 5 and ½ weeks of the season.
6. If there are any unused funds they will be returned in a refund when the season concludes.
a) The Ontario Government & MLHU Covid controls (e.g. red control, stay at home, etc.) will change over time and we can not predict the future response from the Government and LMHU.
b) The number of ice times each team will have per week may vary as Covid controls change.
c) The ability to offer scrimmage games can not be predicted.
Thank you,
Peter Wethey LDGHA HL Director