Update on House League Registration & Volunteers Needed, News (London Devilettes)

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Aug 09, 2021 | Claudia Santagapita-Speiran | 831 views
Update on House League Registration & Volunteers Needed
We will be opening house league registration shortly so please keep an eye on the web site for registration details. 

We are always seeking interested house league volunteers for positions such as Convenors, Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Trainers. If you would like to volunteer for the upcoming season please send an email to House League Director (Peter Wethey, [email protected]).

***We are also still interested in volunteers from families where their daughters are trying out for a Competitive team, and that your volunteer status will depend on Competitive tryout results.
Reminder...Police Checks (Vulnerable Sector Check) are required for all team volunteers. It would be wise to begin your Police Check process early if you will be in year one of the 3 year police check cycle. In addition to Police Checks, team staff need to complete the Respect In Sport for Activity Leaders and Rowans Law signoff. Trainers are required to complete the HTCP level 1 or HTCP level 1 refresher plus Safe Return To Hockey and Gender Identity & Expression. Head coaches are required to have various levels of certification (see links below for details).
Head Coaches & Trainers: 
Police Check 3 Year Cycle (example):

Year 1    Criminal Record Check (CRC) & Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS)

Year 2    Criminal Offence Declaration Form (CODF)

Year 3    Criminal Offence Declaration Form (CODF)

Year 4    Criminal Record Check (CRC) & Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS)

Year 5    Criminal Offence Declaration Form (CODF)

Year 6    Criminal Offence Declaration Form (CODF)

Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire London Group is proud to be a London Devilettes sponsor. Devilette families please come and see us at our 4 London locations for all of your shopping needs. We are located at: London North: 1875 Hyde Park Road London South: 1125 Wellington Road London West: 3100 Wonderland Rd South London East: 1975 Dundas Street East
London's Source for Sports
London's Source for Sports is proud to be the Official Equipment and Clothing Partner of the London Devilettes At Source for Sports We've played the game; we know our stuff! Don't forget to show your Devilettes Partner Discount Card when buying your NEW gear! Located at 406 Wharncliffe Rd. South in London, ON
CCM Hockey is proud to be the exclusive on ice equipment and off ice training wear and clothing partner for the London Devilettes. Come into Source for Sports Teamworks and Main Store to purchase your exclusive London Devilettes products.
Tim Hortons Timbits Hockey Program-THE FIRST GOAL IS HAVING FUN.:
The Timbits Hockey and Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play house league sports. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just being a kid. Tim Hortons currently supports more than 300,000 children on teams in hockey, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, softball and baseball leagues in Canada and the United States. Our sponsorship includes jerseys, participation medals and a Timbits player gift for each player. Adding to the fun, Timbits teams are often invited to attend Canadian Hockey League (CHL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Soccer (MLS) games to catch the action and showcase their skills between periods.