Aug 15, 2021 | Claudia Santagapita-Speiran | 1910 views
Attention Players Attending Competitive Tryouts
Please read the information below carefully about the upcoming tryout process.
- Within the next 24 hours, all players who have registered for U18 and U15 tryouts, will receive an email from Jason Speiran, one of the Competitive Directors, with an individual number that will be used throughout the tryout process. This information will be sent to all other divisions closer to their first tryout. If you do not receive an email at least 24 hours prior to the tryout, please email [email protected].
- Coaches will use these numbers to identify players, rather than player names.
- Coaches will post information about specific tryout times on the AA Team Pages on the London Devilettes website. Please check this page frequently for tryout information.
- As the tryout process unfolds, please continue to check the appropriate Team Pages for updates.
- As there is a limit of 20 players on the ice for tryouts, we ask that if you don’t intend on your daughter attending the AA tryout, or any tryout, to please inform the Competitive Directors by replying to their email.
- U13 & U15 Goalies: AA tryouts for these goalies is separate. Please attend the Goalie Tryout only. U15, August 18th @ 5:15pm (Western Fair) – U13, August 24th @ 6:00pm (Western Fair)