The London Devilettes Girls Hockey Association is pleased to announce the following competitive coaching appointments for the 2016-2017 season.
Novice A/B - Danny Larocque
Atom AA - Steve Ryall
Atom A - Stephanie Raithby
Atom BB/B - TBD
PWAA - Scot Chantler
PWA Major - Ben Van De Peer
PWA Minor - Steve Milne
PWBB/B - Kevin Kerr
Bantam AA - Rick Wouda
Bantam A Major - Rod Noseworthy
Bantam A Minor - Jody Simmons
Bantam BB/B - Jason Potts
Midget AA - Rick Grant & Bill Chantler (co-coaches)
Midget A1 - Ron Solomons
Midget A2 - Jeff Dennis
Midget BB1 - David Simpson
Midget BB2 - Howie Thompson
Junior - Ted Brown
Senior AA - Amber Beattie