Apr 04, 2017 | Admin | 2977 views
Competitive Coaching Appointments 2017/2018
The London Devilettes are pleased to announce the following
Head Coaches for the 2017 / 2018 Hockey Season
Novice A/B
Steve Ryall
Atom AA
Carolyne Roy
Atom A
Marc Giroux
Atom B
PeeWee AA
Steve Milne
PeeWee A Major
Kevin Kerr
PeeWee A Minor
Andy Knelson
PeeWee BB/B
Jamie Gardiner
Bantam AA
Scot Chantler
Bantam A
Ryan Valiquette
Bantam BB
Scott Hubert
Midget AA
Bill Chantler/Rick Grant
Midget A
Shawn Hexter
Migdet A
Robert Hogg
Midget BB
John Keys
Midget BB
Sherry Pryce-Noiles
Intermedite AA
Ted Brown