Hey Devillettes. What a great start to the season. Was fun to see so many excited faces. Here's a quick update for our ice times this week.
We are on the ice Thursday and Saturday as will be standard for the entire coming season.
Thursday: 5:30pm Argyle Arena Surnames A-K
6:00pm Argyle Arena Surnames L-N
6:30pm Argyle Arena Surnames P-Z
Saturday: 1:30pm Kinsmen Arena Surnames A-H
2:30pm Kinsmen Arena Surnames I-P
3:30pm Kinsmen Arena Surnames R-Z
Please note that the surname groupings do change slightly on Thursday from our Saturday groups.
Below is a link to the Devilettes calendar with the date/times and surname groupings for each day.
Have a great day. Look forward to seeing everyone at the rink.