Hey Devillettes.
Just a quick reminder that some ice times are a little different than last week. Evaluations continue on the 17th and 19th. Please be sure to attend your scheduled evaluation times to ensure your athlete is accurately assessed.
Thursday: 5:30pm Argyle Arena Surnames A-H
6:00pm Argyle Arena Surnames I-P
6:30pm Argyle Arena Surnames R-Z
Saturday: 1:30pm Kinsmen Arena Surnames A-H
2:30pm Kinsmen Arena Surnames I-P
3:30pm Kinsmen Arena Surnames R-Z
Please note that the surname groupings do change slightly on Thursday from last week. Groups are the same on Thursday as Saturday. Below is a link to the Devilettes calendar with the date/times and surname groupings for each day.
The team rosters will be finalized in the days following the 19th and you can expect an email from your child's coach regarding team assignments and first team practice.
Please note - All team rosters are final
Happy Thanksgiving. Look forward to seeing everyone at the rink.