Registration is now open!!
Due to the overwhelming success of this past year's Annual Devilettes Tournament we have again kept this season's registration costs the same as the previous year - despite increased costs for ice rental and several increases to off-ice costs!
NOTE: Starting this season, the LDGHA will be implementing a transfer fee in addition to the regular registration costs. The fee will apply to all players, aged Atom and above, who make a competitive team roster that did not play with the Devilettes in their previous season - regardless of their place of residence or if they have played with the LDGHA in the past. The transfer fee will be added to the registration costs and will be due by July 30th deadline along with all of the other competitive registration fees.
We will be icing teams in the following categories:
Intermediate AA(Junior),
Midget AA-A-BB
Bantam AA-A-BB - B (based on numbers)
Peewee AA-A-BB
Atom AA-A/BB - B (based on numbers)
Novice A and Senior AA registration and tryouts
will be in the late summer/early fall.
Junior Tryouts and many other AA tryouts start April 17th
You must be registered online prior to taking the ice for tryouts.
In addition to our Intermediate and Senior teams and subject to registration numbers, we will be icing 5 teams in Midget, 4 teams in Bantam (based on numbers), 4 teams in Peewee and 3 teams in Atom (based on numbers). Novice will have 1 team.
LDGHA only accepts credit card payment for competitive registration for 2017/2018 season. This includes competitive and tryout fees. The tryout fee will be $75.00, which is non-refundable.
Multiple payment installments continues for the 2017/2018 registration.
Please read carefully
All players wanting to try out for the LDGHA must:
- Register for LDGHA Competitive Hockey online through Quickenrollment and select (MINIMUM PAYMENT)
that equals the $75.00 tryout fee. This will secure a tryout spot. DO NOT PAY THE FULL AMOUNT
- Within 14 days of being selected for a competitive team; return to Quickenrollment and process an approximate $250 initial payment towards your registration fees to secure the player’s position on a competitive team.
- By July 30th, return to Quickenrollment and process your final Competitive Registration payment in full.
Existing Ontario Woman Hockey Association players
All OWHA players who did not play for the LDGHA last year and are trying out this year must register online through Quickenrollment and obtain a Permission to Skate (PTS) form from the player's most recent OWHA association. LDGHA must receive this PTS form before tryouts commence. This form must be given to the coach at the first tryout attended. Under no circumstances will a player be allowed on the ice for tryouts without a PTS form.
Copies of the PTS forms will only be accepted after online registration is complete.
Trying out for London Devilettes Intermediate AA/Juniors
All Midget age players trying out for our Junior/Int AA team must register in the Junior/Intermediate AA age category. During registration please ensure to select Int AA/Jr when answering What category are you trying out for the 2016/17 Season?

Registrations payment after August 31st, 2017 will be subject to an additional late fee of $100.00
All withdrawals will be pro-rated AND will be subject to an administration fee. Requests for refunds must be received in writing by December 1, 2017. Requests received after that date will only be allowed in special circumstances.
Tryout fee ($75) and the initial $250 payment will not be refunded once paid.
The London Devilettes wish to encourage the growth of girls hockey in all communities. Therefore if a community offers a girls hockey program at the level of ability of an individual player, the Devilettes reserve the right to decline entry into our association. Each case will be judged on its own merit. No girl on our competitive team may be registered with more than one OWHA Organization.
For more information please e-mail Donald Cox.
(for 2016-17) |
(including tryout Fee) |
Atom(AA,A,BB) |
2007,2008 |
$1,055 |
$1,130 |
Peewee (BB) |
2005,2006 |
$1,085 |
$1,160 |
Peewee (A) |
$1,235 |
$1,310 |
Peewee (AA) |
$1,475 |
$1,550 |
Bantam (BB) |
2003,2004 |
$1,100 |
$1,175 |
Bantam (AA,A) |
$1,505 |
$1,580 |
Midget(BB) |
2000,2001,2002 |
$1,535 |
$1,610 |
Midget(AA,A) |
$1,555 |
$1,630 |
Junior/Intermediate AA |
1996 to 1999 |
$1,975 |
$2,050 |
** due to increased costs, mainly from longer ice times, both in games and practices, there is a difference in the total cost within some divisions. Players are asked to register for tryouts at the level the wish to start tryouts. If they are released from that team they will be moved down to the next level. Those players making the teams will have their total registration cost adjusted to reflect this difference in price before the $250 payment is due.
Tryout Schedule Posted
Please use the following links.