Jan 08, 2014 | mmackintosh | 1131 views
London Devilettes Tournament
The 24th Annual London Devilettes Tournament will be held on the weekend of February 7th - 9th, 2014. Angie Brock is our team's representative and will keep us posted on all details including our team's responsibilities for the tournament.
Our team will be providing 3 items for the organization's Silent Auction. Each item needs to be worth approximately $50.00. If you are able to secure a Silent Auction item, please contact Angie.
Each family will also be responsible for volunteering their time during the tournament. Positions include Arena Captains, timekeepers, volunteers for registration and volunteers to be at the sign in tables at the arenas. The tournament organizers will do their best to schedule our volunteer hours close to our games (ie: 1-2 hours before or 1-2 hours after) and at the same arena as often as possible. This is also a good opportunity for high school students to complete some of their school volunteer hours. If you know of a teenager who needs to complete volunteer hours, please contact Angie.
As more details about the tournament are released, Angie will keep us posted and the website will be updated with these details.