May 07, 2015 | jhaggith | 2273 views
Thank you to all the girls for the great effort
at tryouts Wednesday afternoon.
Please check "Read More" for the list of players
invited to attend the tryout game Friday May 8th, 2015 at Argyle
Arena(A) at 6:00P.M. As discussed yesterday, if your name does not appear on the list for Friday's game, you
will be playing in Sunday’s game.
Heather Cox
Emma Kalapun
Katie Kvas
Elycia Palecki
Amelia Ashby
Cadence Billingsley
Taylor-Lynn Breen
Cassandra Brock
Brigid Clifford
Madison Haggith
Maddy Hubert
Sierra MacDonald
Allyson Mills
Emma Potts
Taylor Spence
Hannah Van De Peer
Julia Cameron
McKayla Cranford
Amy Fitzgeorge
Kate Flick
Melody Forster
Evalyn Gardiner
Chantelle Hewerdine
Kylie King
Megan Livingstone
Jenna Luchanko
Montanna McIntyre
Emily Midwood
Ceilidh Murree
Chantal Piché
Megan Solomon
Charlee Van De Peer
Haley Ward
Zoe Zaifman