Apr 25, 2024 | Sherri Hertner | 2515 views
Friday Scrimmage v Stratford
Thank you to all players who attended last night's scrimmage. If your name does not appear in the list below then you have been released to U18A. We wish you all the best as you continue your tryout process.
If your name appears below, please see the following details:
Game Date: Friday, April 26th
Locatioin: Western Fair (LMA)
Game Time: 7:30PM
Arrive: 6:15PM
Attire: Please wear black pants, LD shirt (or RED OR GRAY shirt); bring warm up gear (black shorts, red or gray shirt, running shoes); bring water bottle
Sydney Flagel
Danica Rogers
Cadie Collins
Clare Purdy
Vanessa Harrington
Megan Jean
Olivia Caron
Marissa Chirico
Lilli Muldowney
Marlee Shinner
Julia Ritchie
Kyla Rumford
Dylan Eadie
Lauren Gustafson
Naren Parker
Ava Fitzpatrick
Lea Giroux
Emma Holm
Jorja Kloepfer
Katherine Cameron
Lexi Slota
Vanessa Stevenson
Jamie Ryall
See you Friday!