Player Groupings / Tryout Sessions Thursday April 18, News, U15AA 637, U15, COMP (London Devilettes)

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Apr 17, 2024 | Bill Chantler | 2937 views
Player Groupings / Tryout Sessions Thursday April 18
Please check the below player groupings for the tryout session that each player has been assigned to for the first tryout skates on Thursday Aril 18

Please attend the tryout session the player has been assigned

To assist with check-in please arrive at least 45 minutes in advance of the scheduled tryout time the player has been assigned

Bring your own water bottle. Each player will be assigned a tryout jersey at check-in and must return the jersey to check-in after their skate

If a player who has registered for the U15AA tryouts is missing from the below lists please contact me as soon as possible to let me know. I can be contacted at [email protected]

Player groupings / Tryout Sessions

Tryout Session #1 - 5:45pm, Western Fair Tony's Rink

Ella Anderson

Kaydence Araujo

Leena Beer

Mikaela Buchner

Tiffany Cain

Alisa Castrilli

Nicole Claxton

Alessandra Curcio

Reese D’Alessandro

Charlotte Docherty

Kayla Duncan

Hannah Flagel

Alyssa GEE

Dani-Lynn Gill

Jordyn Grayson

Dylan Haskins

Ella Hines

Ciana Jackson

Evie Johnson

Olivia Kopichanski

Qingtong (Tansey) Li

Cassidy Malott

Anna McClenaghan

Brianne McClean

Meredith Morrison

Helayna Mykicz

Sophie Norman

Ava Oswald

Avery Perry

Pareena Rehmann

Ella Schindler

Kaitlyn Shoniker

Charlotte Sinden Best

Freda Sinden Best

Jillian Sitlington

Abbie Spicer

Isla Stark

Harper Vandenheuvel

Vienna Warren

Lexi White

Bristol Wilson

Tryout Session #2 - 6:45pm, Western Fair Tony's Rink

Addison Aarts

Pipper Barrett

Sabrina Bertucci

Sofia Bertucci

Chloe Caron

Sarah Connors

Malia Cornelius

Olivia Dapueto

Sadie Dapueto

Laura Davies

Rachel Dobinson

Ella DU

Macy Fisher

Madison Gingerich

Ava Hey

Cassidy Hillman

Carly Holmes

Sophie Jennison

Sydney Klepeckas

Jenna Lee

Isla Linton

Kaylee Masse

Bridget Miller

Avery Morrison

Abbey Mott

Claire Myers

Zoe Pace

Jordan Phillips

Clara Roselle

Kennedy Servos

Caliea Simpson

Easton Smith

Sydney Smith

Addison Strathdee

Madison VanderMolen

Calista Wagner

Myah Webb

Taylor Willemse

Tryout Session #3 - 7:45pm, Western Fair Tony's Rink

Fallon Barker

Luci Beaupre

Emma Boere

Emma Bovin

Lydia Carter

Mikayla Cooper

Violet Davis

Waverly Deagle

Chyler DeClark

Tegan Dunn

Colbie Farr

Molly Gilmore

Jenna Gooder

Maelle Huls

Eden Jinks

Eden Jones

Mia Klug

Marin Lawerence

Camryn Leitch

Tiffany Liu

Makiah Praet

Addison Moczulski

Seon Moore

Fern Nelson

Jaylyn Parker

Lily Penney-Forward

Abby Picken

Emmerson Rider

Abbie Sharrard

Kyla Sheaves

Paige Sitlington

Sam Sproule

Jillian Trepanier

Alexandra Warren

Haylee Weldon

Charlotte Wesley

Mackenzie Wilson

Hannah Young

Hazel Menary

Tim Hortons Timbits Hockey Program-THE FIRST GOAL IS HAVING FUN.:
The Timbits Hockey and Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play house league sports. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just being a kid. Tim Hortons currently supports more than 300,000 children on teams in hockey, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, softball and baseball leagues in Canada and the United States. Our sponsorship includes jerseys, participation medals and a Timbits player gift for each player. Adding to the fun, Timbits teams are often invited to attend Canadian Hockey League (CHL), National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Soccer (MLS) games to catch the action and showcase their skills between periods.
McDonald's Canada is a proud uniform sponsor for our AtoMc program. With multiple locations throughout the province, you can find a McDonald's near your home or arena. Through the AtoMc program, McDonald's also hosts many special events for our Atom house league members.
Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire London Group is proud to be a London Devilettes sponsor. Devilette families please come and see us at our 4 London locations for all of your shopping needs. We are located at: London North: 1875 Hyde Park Road London South: 1125 Wellington Road London West: 3100 Wonderland Rd South London East: 1975 Dundas Street East