Thank you to all players who participated in the U13C tryouts
I would like to express sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in this round of evaluations. The level of effort and commitment was impressive and always makes finalizing a roster a difficult process.
I am excited to announce the final roster for the 2024-2025 U13C team. After careful consideration, the following individuals will represent the team:
Eby Howard
Quinn Gheller
Eve Dobbin
Kacee VandenBroek
Maeda Balch
Olivia Spargo
Emma Tripp
Layton White
Kiera Steeper
Sinead Pollock
Anna Rusticus
Lyia Dobbin
Andie Bongers
Reese Burke
Kennedy Barker
Eve Carter
Parents, please watch for an email in coming days with further details. Good luck to all girls who tried out in their upcoming season!
Rodney Burke