Nov 22, 2023 | Helen Karahalios | 479 views
'Tis the Season!
Calling all Devilettes to participate this Saturday November 25th, 2023 in the Annual Hyde Park Santa Claus Parade! Meet up @ Sherwood Forest Mall parking lot at 9am for 10am parade start. Click on READ MORE for additional details and how you can brighten a Senior's day this holiday season!
Don't forget to wear your LD jersey/gear and a Santa hat (if possible)! We will give away candy canes while walking along the parade route (Westbound on Gainsborough to the west side of Hyde Park) - in hopes of brightening spirits! Everyone is encouraged to bring along food donations to help other families facing unprecedented needs this holiday season (there will be a volunteer team of Elves on-site to collect donations). We are asking teams planning to participate as a group to bring along some parent volunteers too; high school students can come along to help out and get volunteer hours as well! Please send us an email and let us know you will be joining us: [email protected]
We'd also like to share joy and happiness with those often not top of mind during the upcoming holiday season - our elderly; please consider hosting a team event to create some personalized holiday cards before or just after a practice or upcoming game! We have set up a "Merry Little Mailbox" to collect these cards @ London Sports Park until December 15th 2023. Cards collected will be shared with local retirement homes in hopes of bringing a smile and cheer to special people whom may not have family to celebrate with.